Friday, September 5, 2008

How to Make it in Real Estate

Quite often, when people begin to invest in commercial real estate, they begin small. They may acquire a single family dwelling, a duplex or maybe even a small apartment building. In order to keep continue the commercial real estate investment game; you have to keep moving property. While buying and selling like kind property has the potential to bring you profitable gains and tax free exchanges under the IRS 1031 real property exchange tax laws, at some point you will want to expand. In fact, if you do not grow, you will eventually find that your bank can no longer help you either because you have maxed out your single family mortgages or your investment portfolio has extended beyond their lending parameters. Congratulations, you have just outgrown your residential lending company. It is now time to move on over to the commercial property side of your bank.
Strategies and Practices
Sun Tzu, author of "The Art of War," said, By taking into account the unfavorable factors, he may avoid possible disasters." When considering commercial investment, you must consider anything that could possibly go wrong. This simple proactive measure can save you considerable amounts of money in the long run. Ethical standards and sound business practices should be upheld not only to prevent legal action being brought against you and your company, but to increase your legitimacy in the industry and community. When you engage in adhering to ethical standards on all counts, you will be respected and you will be trusted. This reputation can prove invaluable when you decide to purchase more property, particularly in an area where you have already firmly established yourself as an ethical business person

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