Friday, September 5, 2008

Managing The Business

Organization - Organization is vital to running your business in an efficient manner. You must be organized or you will lose valuable time and money because phone calls will not be returned, appointments will be arrived at late and credibility will be lost. The last thing that you want is to be labeled the "absent minded professor."
Time Management - If you can not manage your time you will likely be unable to manage anything else. Set aside a certain time or times during the day for various things such as email, returning calls, pursuing contacts and tending to the business portion of your company. Set a schedule and do not stray from it.
Financing and Budget - Set a budget and stick to it. You need to maintain your budget and stay on top of your financing. This is one area where super organization is vital. This is what drives your business and if you lose money you business will suffer.
Team Development - Create strong, effective teams and constantly work to develop them. This will be your support system when you are in the throes of an investment venture.

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